I have been TAGGED by my followers...
1- Gilmore Girls
2- The Wonder Years
3- Ghost Hunters
4- House
5 - Friends
6- Fraiser
7- America's Funniest Videos
8- Heros/Lost (Tie)
8 Things I did yesterday:
1-Went to work...late
2- balanced a tax return
3- reconciled payroll tax returns
4- surfed the internet
5- removed staples from a 60 page tax return
6- replaced two pages
7- re-stapled the tax return
8- went home to bed
8 things I wish for:
1- our admin assistant to come back from maternity leave so I don't have to mess with staples (the temp doesn't understand why everyone can't do their own stapling)
2- a normal pregnancy
3- a healthy baby
4- happy children
5- my son to stop asking me what is the alternative to a C-section
6- a snow day
7- winning the lottery
8- Nick not to be mad at me for writing #5
8 things to do before I die:
1- travel
2- read a lot more
3- learn to play an instrument
4- learn a foreign language
5- make partner
6- see my children settled and happy
7- clean out the attic
8- figure out #8
8 things I look forward to:
1- Christmas!!!
2- the end of tax season
3- visits from my family
4 - the weekend
5- the summer
6- naps
7- pizza
8- cuddling with hubs every night